Invitational Meets
Invitational meets are optional meets that are held throughout the season. These meets give swimmers and divers an additional opportunity to compete. The swimmers and divers are able to select which events they would like to compete in so it gives them a greater opportunity to try out their skills. (You do not need to be “invited” to an “invitational” meet – you just need to sign up for the meet in advance though our team representative.) There are entry fees for these meets and ribbons or trophies are awarded at these meets.
Entry Procedures:
- Review the meet information posted on our website or at the pool.
- Complete the Invitational Meet Entry Form
- Place the completed form and a check for the meet entry fees in the SMITHERS family folder at Whites Road Pool by the date requested.
- Checks should be made out to 'Lansdale Parents Association'. Entries must be received by the entry deadline provided BY OUR TEAM (not the entry deadlne in the meet information!) or they will not be sent. All entries and payments are submited from our team, NOT directly to the team hosting the meet and this is why we need to have your information ahead of time.