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Team Profile

Merck Soccer League U

Contact Information

Nicholas Wiens

(612) 701-3377

Game Schedule & Results
Starting From:  
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Wed May 8, 2024  6:00PM
0-2 L
Yellow Card- Benjamin Ahern
Wed May 15, 2024  6:00PM
@ Red
2-6 L
Thu May 23, 2024  6:00PM
2-1 W
Yellow Cards- Paul Vandergrift, Charles Vu
Tue May 28, 2024  6:00PM
0-5 L
6-0 Gold
Thu Jun 6, 2024  6:00PM
@ White
3-6 L
Yellow Cards- Matt Appel, Chris Holland
Thu Jun 13, 2024  6:00PM
0-5 L
6-0 Navy
Tue Jun 18, 2024  6:00PM
@ Green
2-1 W
Yellow Card- Sanket Mandare
Tue Jun 25, 2024  6:00PM
@ Blue
0-3 L
Gray Forfeit - Not enough players
Thu Jul 11, 2024  6:00PM
1-3 L
Thu Jul 18, 2024  6:00PM
@ Black
1-6 L
Tue Jul 23, 2024  6:00PM
2-2 T
Tue Jul 30, 2024  6:00PM
4-5 L
Wed Aug 7, 2024  6:00PM
@ Navy
2-4 L
Tue Aug 13, 2024  6:00PM
@ Green
0-1 L
Gray Forfeit - Not enough players
Mon Aug 19, 2024  6:00PM
@ Navy
0-1 L
1 vs 8 - Gray NO SHOW Forfeit