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Hello to All,
You are receiving this email because you have offered to help the Topton Soccer Club with coaching, head or assisting, for the Fall  season.

In accordance with the changes to Pennsylvania's Child Protective Services Law, the Topton Soccer Club is requiring that all coaches complete:

  • report of criminal history from the Pennsylvania State Police
  • child abuse history clearance from the Department of Human Services

In addition, if the coach has not been a Pennsylvania resident continuously for the past 10 years, they must complete the FBI fingerprint clearance.  This is not required if you have been a PA resident, continuously, for the past 10 years.

The link to complete these clearances is as follows:  http://www.dhs.state.pa.us/findaform/childabusehistoryclearanceforms/index.htm

This link can also be found on our website, www.toptonsoccerclub.org.  The PSP clearance and the Child Abuse clearance are $10.00 each.  The FBI clearance is approximately $29.00.

The TSC Board has approved to reimburse coaches for these clearances in the following manner:

  • U9 teams and above- Head Coach and (1) Assistant Coach will be reimbursed per team
  • U6 and U8 age groups- Head Coach and (2) Assistant Coaches will be reimbursed per team

We are asking that you complete your clearances immediately, so that we have no issues/problems assigning coaches to teams.  We are asking head coaches to complete their clearances no later than June 12th, 2015, as the child abuse clearance takes a couple of weeks to process.  Your clearances will then be valid for 3 years, and will need to then be renewed at that time.

If you currently have your clearances, a copy should be mailed to:
Topton Soccer Club
PO Box 600
Mertztown, PA  19539

You may also give a copy of your clearances to any Board member, and we will keep them on file.  If your clearances are older than July 1st, 2014, you must update them.

Please let us know if you have any questions.  Thank you for your continued support of the Topton Soccer Club.

TSC Registrar
TSC Board

Concussion Law


Hello All,
I have been made aware by the league that all of our travel team coaches and their assistants must complete the Heads Up Concussion Training from the EPYSA.  The link is above.

Please take 20 mins. or so and complete the online training.  You can then send me the concussion certificate via email, or simply hand me a copy.  I must then certify to EPYSA that you all have completed it.  Please forward to all of your assistant coaches for completion as well.

My apologies for the delay in notifying you as I was unaware that this was a requirement.  If you have already completed it, please disregard.

Valerie Smeltz


Risk Management


In order to coach, EPYSA requires everyone to complete a Risk Management assessment.  Please click on the following link and complete the form.  Be sure to select "Topton SC" as our organization.  If you have any problems, please contact the Registrar at TSCRegistrar@live.com or call 484-663-4784.  Thanks. 

2014-2015 Risk Management Form

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